People - 29/07/06

Publié le par Jean Arnal


Lee Hsien Yang, CEO of Singapore based Singtel is stepping down.

Olivier Baujard is the Alcatel-Lucent new Corporate Technical Officer;

Helle Kristoffersen is the Alcatel-Lucent new Corporate Strategy VP

Jeong Kim will remain Président of the Bell Labs.

John Giere is the new Corporate Marketing Officer of Alcatel-Lucent

Elizabeth Hackenson will be the Head of Information Systems and Information Technology groups in Alcatel-Lucent.

Nam Yong, former chief executive of LG Telecom, is stepping down. He is replaced by Jung Il Jae,

A. Sarin has been reappointted as Vodafone' s CEO, in spite of some criticism from some shareholders.

Publié dans People

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