3G "Killer App"?

Publié le par Jean Arnal

We have to acknowledge that 3G is slowly taking off. We are, more or less, on the same trend than 2G when it takes off almost two decades ago. 2G had the double handicap of new technology/ new service, and had to penetrate the mass market. Analysts thought 3G will easily jump over those barriers. Reality has been underscored by a recent In-Stat study: customer awareness of 3G is not particularly strong, with over half the respondents indicating they don't know whether their carrier offers 3G. On this particular point, it seems that operators did not made enough good communications. The second important output of the report is that current 3G users are very enthusiastic about high-quality mapping and navigation services. But there is currently very few promotion on GPS-based services by operators, and there is an obvious lack of GPS-enabled handsets. Another marketing failure! Still some months waiting and the customer could have what he wants.

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