Operator results - 24/07/06

Publié le par Jean Arnal

Yahoo reports 2Q06 profit of $ 164m, down 360%, on sales of $ 1.6bn, up26%.

Google posted strong results with 2Q earnings of $721m, up 110%, on sals of $2.5bn, up 77%.

Microsoft announced a 24% drop in 2Q06 net income to $2.8bn, but its turnover grew 16% to $11.8bn.

Cingular reports $9.2bn in 2Q06 revenues and best-ever net income of $ 540m.

Telenor posts an 12% increase in 2Q06 net income to $363m, on revenues up 37% to $ 3.6bn.

Publié dans Operator - results

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