Alcatel-Lucent: Day 1

Publié le par Jean Arnal

Alcatel has bought Lucent and the new company has started operations today. The giant has sales of about €19bn, equally split between Eurooe, North America and ROW, with Pat Russo at the helm and S. Tchuruck as non-executive president. The company has about 79,000 employees in 130 countries. The new company is already N1 in wireline, N3 in mobile, N1 in Europe Enterprise IP networks. It is organized in three segments:

  • Carrier Business Group headed by Etienne Fouques, covering Convergence headed by Marc Roanne, Mobile headed by Mary Chan and Wireline headed by Michel Rahier.

  • Enterprise headed by Hubert de Pesquidoux;

  • Services headed by John Meyer

Alcatel-Lucent has launched a new visual identity (see above). Its ticker will be ALU.

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