European ICT market by EITO

Publié le par Jean Arnal

The ICT (Information Communications and Telecom) market would increase by almost 3% to €668bn in Europe in 2007. Main drivers for the growth would be IT services, software applications and broadband data services. The research firm also predicts a growth rate of about 3% in 2008. IT would account for about €320bn, up 4.4%, with IT services and software increasing 5.5% and 6.5% respectively, while hardware would grow 1.7% this year. The IT market should be up 4.7% in 2008 to €335bn. The EU telecom market growth is lower than in IT with only 1.5% growth to €348bn and 1.1% in 2008 to €352bn. The EU market for fixed voice telephone services is shrinking by around 5% a year; fixed data services (such as DSL) are expected to report a growth of 6.4%, and mobile data services, mobile internet access are increasingly popular.

The consumer electronics (CE) is increasing by 2.5%, driven by flat-screen televisions and digital devices.

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